We do not argue, we discuss and explain.
We do not get revenge so we ALLOW justice to have its place.
Moreover, we do not lose ourselves and break down in public, we use our safe spaces for emotional releases.
We do not wish ill on anyone (we are Karma). All will learn their lessons about beliefs.
We do not drop our values and vibrational energy for anyone, we simply excuse ourselves from the situation.
Therefore, we do not do more than 3 chances with any one person (after that it's just who they are).
We do not allow just anyone to have access to our energy. What we cultivate within is special empress.
We do not gossip (we have a confident in spirit).
Moreover, we do not feed jealousy; we congratulate and make personal changes to ourselves where we feel void.
We go into situations with no expectations so we observe and work with what we are shown.
Moreover, we don't feel sorry for anyone. It's not for you to feel FOR anyone, we empathize enough in beliefs to set an example of how they should go about achieving their desires.
