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How People Pleasing Leads to the Lack of Boundaries in Relationships

Updated: Jun 24, 2022


Many of us are guilty of it – we please other people to the detriment of our own needs and wants. We do this in our professional and personal lives, but is it really worth it? When it comes to our relationships, people pleasing can lead to a lack of boundaries. This can be harmful to both parties involved, as it can prevent both people from getting what they need and want from the relationship. In this post, we’ll explore the effects of people pleasing on relationships, and offer some tips on how to set boundaries.

What is people pleasing?

We've all been there. You're at a party and you see someone you know. You want to make a good impression, so you do everything in your power to make them happy. You might even go so far as to put their needs before your own. This is people pleasing. People pleasing is the act of always trying to please others to our own detriment. It can be done out of fear of being rejected or out of a desire to be liked and accepted. People pleasing can lead to a lack of boundaries in relationships. When we're too busy trying to make others happy, even at our own expense, we often lose sight of our own needs and desires.

Why are boundaries important?

People pleasing often leads to the lack of boundaries in relationships. Both people must be able to set limits in order to have a healthy relationship. This means that each person knows their limits and isn't afraid to enforce them. It also means that the couple is able to compromise when needed. If you can't or don't set boundaries, you'll have a lot of trouble saying no - which can lead to resentment down the road.

How People Pleasing Leads to the Lack of Boundaries in Relationships

When we're people pleasers, we often have difficulty saying no. This can be because we want to avoid conflict, or because we feel guilty turning someone down. We put the needs of others before our own, and this can often lead to a lack of boundaries in our relationships. When there are no boundaries in a relationship, it can be difficult to set healthy limits. We may feel like we're always putting others first, and that we're not allowed to have our own needs met. This can lead to resentment and unhappiness on our part. If you find that you're constantly struggling to say no, or that you feel guilty when you do, it might be time to reassess your people pleasing habits. Start by setting some boundaries for yourself and honoring them no matter how the next person may feel about it. This will help you to start feeling more in control of your life and personal choices.


People pleasing can be a major issue in romantic relationships because it often leads to one partner giving up their own needs and desires in order to accommodate the other. This can create a situation where one partner is constantly feeling used and taken advantage of, while the other partner feels frustrated and unfulfilled. If you find yourself caught in this cycle, it's important to start setting some boundaries for yourself. Communicate with your partner about what you need and want from the relationship, and be willing to stand up for yourself when you feel like your needs aren't being met.

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