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Why We Must Break Our People Pleasing Habits

Updated: Jun 24, 2022


We've all met someone who thrives on pleasing others. They go above and beyond to make everyone happy, even if it means putting their own needs and desires last. And while this may seem like a noble pursuit, it can actually be damaging in the long run. In this post, we will explore several reasons why we must break our people pleasing habits, and we will provide tips on how to break free.

What is a people pleaser?

A people pleaser is someone who goes above and beyond to make others happy. They put others' needs before their own and often feel guilty when they don't do enough. People pleasers often have low self-esteem and feel like they're not good enough. While there are certainly some benefits to being a people pleaser (mainly, the happiness of others), it's important to understand the negative consequences of this personality trait. Namely, people pleasers often sacrifice their own happiness in order to make others happy. This can lead to resentment, anger and low self-esteem.

Signs You Might Be a People Pleaser (Pleasing Habits)

Are you a people pleaser? Do you ever feel as if you can't say no? Are you often left feeling overwhelmed and exhausted? People pleasers are often masters of disguise. They're the ones who always have a smile on their face and are always willing to help. They're the ones who never want to disappoint anyone or hurt anybody's feelings. If you suspect that you might be a people pleaser, there are a few signs to look out for pleasing habots:

-When you truly want to say no, you say yes.

-You feel overwhelmed and exhausted.

-You frequently prioritize the needs of others over your own.

-You're often left feeling guilty or resentful.

-You experience stress and anxiety over the idea that someone may be displeased with you.


There are a number of reasons why we might feel the need to please others at the expense of our own happiness. Some people might feel like they have to put on a brave face and pretend to be happy even when they're not in order to avoid upsetting others. Others might feel like they always have to be accommodating and never say no in case it disappoints someone. At the root of it, most people pleasing habits come from a fear of being rejected or not being good enough. We want others to approve of us and we're afraid of what will happen if they don't. But the truth is, you can't please everyone all the time and you shouldn't try to. It's important to be true to yourself, even if that means stepping on a few toes along the way.


We must break our people pleasing habits in order to find happiness and peace within ourselves. By saying "no" more often and being true to ourselves, we can learn to set better boundaries and be less reactive to the demands of others. We don't have to be perfect or please everyone all the time - it's not possible, and it's not healthy. By honoring our own needs, we create a foundation of self-respect that enables us to have healthier relationships with others and ultimately with ourselves.

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